Sunday, 26 November 2017

Pettigrain reduces stress

Pettigrain essential oil is made by distilling the leaves and green twigs of the bitter orange tree (Citrus  x aurantium).

Recently scientists found that a small sample of healthy professional men and women performed computer tasks faster and better when they inhaled pettigrain essential oil which was infused into the atmosphere of the room where they performed the task. They remained calm and their heart rate was more steady than the heart rate of a similar group who performed the tasks without the pettigrain infusion.

This was only a small sample, so it would be a good idea to repeat the experiment with a larger number of people. But it's interesting that we may be able to add yet another essential oil to the list (lavender, rosemary, sage, vervain etc) of calming essential oils that improve performance, mood and relieve stress.

Huang L, Capdevila L. Aromatherpy improves work performance through balancing the autonomic nervous system. J Altern Complement Med. March 2017; 23(3); 214-221.