Thursday, 27 July 2017

How did you come to your path?

It was a slow process; a very slow process. It took the best part of half a century. The writing was always there. I wrote voluminous letters to all sorts of people. I kept diaries. I scribbled all sorts of stuff, but it never occurred to me to put it together in the form of a book. Until, that is, I finished my PhD at the grand age of fifty, and began to research the medicinal plants that grew where I had chosen to live, on the borders of Wales in a wild and watery place in the Golden Valley. I began to be aware of the ancient Celtic traditions that permeated every layer of life in these Welsh borderlands. I became interested in the traditional medicinal plants that the ancient Celts were using and I started to collect and grow them, foraging in the countryside around my house for wild berries, leaves, roots and all things useful to an ancient wise woman, someone who might call herself a hedgewitch today, who would just have been the local healer once. I discovered that the plants that were used for medicine were surrounded by myth, mystery and symbolic meaning that was once as important at their physical healing properties.  

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